School Day
A 24-hour curriculum is implemented within the school.
Protocol for both day and residential pupils
Pupils are received into school from 8.40 and signed in to school by their escorts
All pupils go to designated area
Late arrivals to school will be signed in by office staff and the reason for late arrival will be recorded.
In case of pupil absence parents/carers are expected to inform school by telephone and a request is made for a written explanation.
Office staff will record and inform staff of pupil lateness and absences.
Lesson times
Lesson times Monday-Thursday
Lesson 1: 9.00am - 9.45am
Lesson 2: 9.45am - 10.30am
Break: 10.30am - 10.50am
Lesson 3: 10.50am - 11.35am
Lesson 4: 11.35am - 12.20pm
Lunch: 12.20pm - 1.15pm
Lesson 5: 1.15pm - 2.05pm
Lesson 6: 2.05pm - 2.55pm
Lesson 7: 2.55pm - 3.45pm
** Wednesday afternoons use an alternative timetable set out below
Enrichment session 1 - 1.15pm - 2.20pm
Enrichment session 2 - 2.20pm - 3.45pm
Lesson times Friday
Lesson 1: 9.00am - 9.20am
Lesson 2: 9.20am - 10.15am
Break: 10.15am - 10.35am
Lesson 3: 10.35am - 11.25am
Lesson 4: 11.25am - 12.15am