Mission Statement

‘Inspired by the example of St. Vincent we strive to create a safe and caring teaching and learning environment where all love, live, learn and grow in community so as to serve God and the Common Good’.
Our aims are that each individual in the community of St. Vincent’s;
Can love and respect God and each other and be loved and respected.
Can live their life to the full.
Can learn from each other and from opportunities and experiences, according to their needs and abilities.
Can grow in faith, confidence, wisdom and understanding and so reach their potential.
We work to make these aims a lived reality;
Through daily collective worship, assemblies, school routines , curriculum and policies which reflect Gospel values such as faithfulness, honesty, dignity, compassion, gentleness, justice, forgiveness, holiness, tolerance, peace and service.
By providing a teaching, learning and caring environment where the spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional, physical, cultural and social needs of each individual can be nurtured.
In welcoming all who come into our school community and in taking responsibility for each other.
By taking an interest in and caring for the wider community and the environment we are privileged to live in, locally, nationally and internationally.
By promoting an awareness of equal opportunities, social justice and our responsibility to work together and with others for the Common Good.